Xavier University

Heidt Family Champions Center Graphics
X Illuminated Sign

The New Home for Olympic Sport Athletes

The client’s goal for this renovation project was to transform the University’s existing recreation center on the West Campus into the new home for their Olympic sport teams – soccer, baseball, swimming, and track & field. A primary goal of the design was to promote the natural energy found within athletic training facilities by allowing the existing large volume spaces to be celebrated and connected both physically and visually. Most of the project budget was allocated toward interior renovation work that would directly support the benefit and development of the student athlete.

The final building program and ultimate design was arrived upon after a great amount of dialogue with the building’s end users – student athletes, coaches, trainers, and athletic administrative staff. The vision and measures of success for the renovation were identified early and through client workshops, presentations, and internal design team collaboration a final planning concept, material pallet, and branding approach was developed and met with great approval by all users tested and from the client side.

Heidt Lobby
X Wall
X Wall - close up
Lobby - wayfinding

A Personalized Environment

The branded environments were developed in close collaboration with architecture and interior design disciplines to ensure a cohesive experience throughout the space, such as the materials selected are also used throughout the interiors. Considering the end user of young athletes ensured creation of exciting and energetic yet still refined graphics. The elements within reflect the brand of Xavier University but interpret it in unexpected ways, such as the diamond shape being repeated throughout that is inspired by the negative space in the Xavier logo.

Personalizing the environments for the athletes and sports being practiced within was an overarching theme, to relate even further to the users. The entries to the locker rooms all have custom patterns featured that were specifically developed for each sport and represent them abstractly (i.e. a water-like texture for the swimming locker room). The shoe installation wall features footwear of each type of sport and is the brand and type of shoe these athletes wear when they compete.

This space was dependent on graphics to ensure representation of the Xavier University brand, organize the space, and to celebrate the practice of athletics.

Heidt Dimensional Wayfinding B
Mens Soccer - sign
Women's Soccer - sign
Shoe Wall
Shoe Wall - close up